Or, the case against hosted blogging options. More and more I find myself reading articles on blog networks, and by networks I mean Medium. There was a promising short lived moment where smaller, topic-oriented blog networks like Svbtle (amongst others) started appearing, but even those seem to have gone by...
12 Resolutions for 2016
I've always thought that if something in life is important enough you shouldn't need a yearly resolution to make that change. Unfortunately life isn't that simple, so after more than a decade of abstaining from resolutions I've decided to give it a go with an appropriate first item: 1. Regularly...
Gearing Up for the John Muir Trail

To those who know me personally it's no secret that I love a good adventure. Whether it's traveling in a foreign country or biking across my own, testing your limits by pushing yourself outside your normal comfort zone positively expands your character in a way that no other type of...
Death by Inertial Scrolling
Every year there's a few design trends on the web that make their rounds. Some are recognized as good design patterns and persist while others gradually fade out. Thankfully most of these trends are tacky and cringeworthy at worst (web 2.0 rounded glossy buttons anybody?), but every so often...
Tools for Designing in the Browser
This post is intended to be a regularly updated list of tools, articles, and other goodies that help make designing in the browser both easier and more efficient. If you're currently a designer-developer hopefully you might learn something new of use, while if you're new to the game hopefully this...
Craft Your First Impression
A few weeks ago I received a cold email from a local San Francisco startup called Mighty Spring asking me to demo their product. If you work in tech and have an internet presence you get used to receiving these things all the time (and generally saving them to the...
Life is (Finding) Meaning
I've only now just finished listening to Derek Siver's latest conference talk "The Meaning of Life", and can only encourage everyone else to watch (or listen to) it as soon as possible. As someone whose life work exists on a series of computer hard drives it hits pretty close to...
Web Designers Code
When I moved to San Francisco in 2012 I knew I wanted to get a job as a designer at a startup, but had never before dealt with the issue of needing to categorize myself into a certain role. In architecture there might be different types of designers (architect, landscape,...
The Most Important Part
While doing some research on OOCSS vs OOSCSS I stumbled across one by Chris Hansen at Pivotal Labs titled Why we don’t use OOCSS (but we should). I have my own hesitations and thoughts regarding pure OOCSS, but was dumbstruck by one of his reasons for not using it:...
If you live and work in the tech world, then "lean" or "agile" just might have been your first words. Every meetup, conference, and startup in a 50 mile radius is talking about what it means to be a lean startup, and I have to say it’s been a...